it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

The grumblings of a blessed bear...

I am so lucky.

This semester, my first in transition from a journalism major to a science major, has been seriously kicking my butt. Not to say the material and my brain don't want to get along; it has really been an issue of adjusting to the move, trying to make ends meet and underestimating the amount of studying four science classes require. But, I love science and I am easily the biggest dork in most of my classes which I think is so cool!

After I quit my job, I began to plot and scheme about my financial future. I am inventive and came up with a few ideas- working in Austin on weekends, selling stuff I own or moving back to school and having a real job again. My family, took notice of my situation and swooped in to help; which was completely unexpected- not that they are cruel or uncaring, but I am 25- not exactly the age where you want to be asking your parents for help with rent money.

Basically, my parents each came to me separately and offered to help me out the rest of the semester, so that I can focus on learning! Amazing- I can't believe it still. I cannot offer them enough thanks or accurately demonstrate to them how much this means to me.

I just feel so loved and lucky.

I can't believe I almost forgot to mention how wonderful it is to have the support of other people. My friends have all been amazingly helpful- both online and in the flesh. What I would do without them and their love, who knows?

And then there is the most wonderful man in existence who does his best to stand beside me while I seek out my dreams, so far away from him, even though he would rather I abandon them and become his housekeeper (which he could use). Words don't even begin to describe how blessed he makes me feel- especially when these silly, young college boys in my classes talk to me and all I can think is, "I am so happy I am a real grown up now and I don't have to worry about these ridiculous boys!!!"

2 reverberations:

cls said...

Awww. This whole post makes me so happy, friend. I am so glad things worked out for you to be able to stay in school. You are a blessed girl, indeed.

Anonymous said...
