it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then


Here we go, I love Halloween! I really missed having Chris around.

I made her do this! Very Marylin!

Relishing the pirate's life.

Mullet snuggles. **Too cute.** I told her this will be their wedding photo someday!

I only had maybe four drinks all evening and I have been useless all day. I guess I am not much of a serious drinker anymore. Two drinks needs to be my limit- or I lose a day to the evil hangover monster! We had a lot of fun being pirates! I think I wanna have an all pirate party sometime- lots of neat costumes and rum punches!

Rachel (not me, the blond) met a cute boy- I am always hoping it will be the one who will treat her nicely and respect her. I guess time will tell! Things were going great for them- until he took some shots and started puking. *yuck* I have some nice shots of Rachel looking grossed out after helping clean it up, but she hated them, so I left them off.

**I am a photo maniac if you hadn't noticed. I document everything for posterity!**

6 reverberations:

Tyly said...

You are a sexy pirate!!

I actually have never been to a costume party! I need to put that on my "things to do" list!

~meredith~ said...

*sigh* They're always nice until they start puking, huh? lol, jk. You look like you were having fun! :)

Something's Gotta Give said...

That's a great pirate costume!

My college "mascot" (We have no football team, so I don't really know if it can be a real mascot.) was the Pirate. So you can imagine the pirate-themed things we all make fun of now...

cls said...

I actually love your eye makeup here. It looks great with your tan. And I must confess. I think I wear outfits like your pirate outfit every now and real life...not at I'm embarrassed. But seriously, great eye makeup.

Rachel said...

HAHAHAHA! I had so much fun!! Great pics! We totally need to have a Pirate Party! hahahahaha my wedding photo...hahahahaha

Tyly said...

The 3rd quote on my "So Pumped" blog made me think of you!