And then he had to leave again.
Now, only a week until we meet again for Thanksgiving. I am driving to Del Rio next Tuesday night. Then, on Thursday we go to San Antonio to have brunch with Chris' family and then to Austin for an early dinner with my family. After that we have the weekend to spend together and I don't know what our plans are- I was thinking maybe we could go camping if he has time to take off work. I dunno- I love camping in the fall.
My sister is going to the Renaissance Fest near Houston the day after Thanksgiving and she wants us to come. She has a great group of friends who are basically an extension of our family these days that have been going to this thing every Fall for like six - seven years now? I went once, but I didn't camp with them, which they say is the best part, so I guess I missed out. I would love to go camp with them at Ren Fest- but Chris will not yield to my requests- maybe next year?
I am really excited about New Years because we don't have plans yet- any ideas?
5 reverberations:
Cute picture!! And yes, I will be in Del Rio for Thanksgiving. I'll be there from the 21st-24th.
I love, love, love the picture!!!!
1. At least this was the clothed picture.
2. Ren fest-hell no ;)
3. Damn dirty crock pot.
That's the best picture ever. (o: And Chris, if you read this, GO TO REN FEST WITH HER! (o:
Thank you! I was going to ask if you take a daily medication or anything for your migraines. (I read your entry about that awful migraine you had in class.) David has mentioned Pamelor and Imitrex, but I'm pretty reluctant to take a daily medication for some reason. I can't decide what's worse-the Excedrin I take almost daily eating a hole in my stomach, or the possible side effects from the other stuff!
Why actually, yes, I will be in Del Rio for Thanksgiving! I'll be there from Weds. - early Sat.
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