it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Bad day.

It is a freakin' gorgeous day here in Corpus Christi, but I have ceased enjoying it due to the following things:

I packed, but I am not moving.

Miscommunication abounds and causes heartache.

I don't wanna rehang all fifty thousand pictures I took off my wall.

The maintenance man still has not come to fix my kitchen light which makes it Day Six without light in there.

And then I discovered chicken "juice" had oozed out of the package and all over fridge- ruining a few other items and creating a fun, unsanitary mess for me to clean up in the semi-darkness of my kitchen!

Miscommunication abounds and causes heartache.

Boo to today!


I am gonna try and shake it off and move on, but I am really worried because I don't know if it'll all shake off. I sure hope so.

2 reverberations:

cls said...

Oh Rachel. I'm sorry you had a bad day :( It's so weird how only when we do not understand each other (miscommunication) is there conflict. I hope today is much better.

~meredith~ said...

Sorry. :( Chicken "juice" isn't fun anytime...especially amidst miscommunication and bad kitchen lighting. Salmonella and whatnot.

I hope things got better for ya. I do have another entry to read, so maybe I'll find out.