it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Sunday, bloody mary Sunday.

I have my two hardest finals tomorrow, Chemistry and Biology. I also have enough of a hang over that I can't study, at all.

I admit, it was irresponsible to drink margaritas last night, but my friend had boy problems and my margarita making skills were called into action. I created some lovely raspberry 'ritas and some even more delectable mango ones! Mmmmm....

I may be a bad student, but I am a good friend always willing to take one for the team!

(Margaritas always fix the men troubles....)

2 reverberations:

cls said...

Research should be done on that last statement of yours. I will gladly sacrifice my body in the name of science.

~meredith~ said...

lol Cassandra. Always so selfless.

Rachel, good luck on the tests! It isn't easy being such a good friend, huh? ;-)