it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Heading out West

There is something so soothing about driving into the West. No cities, no traffic.

Just a big open sky, the road unfolding before you and your thoughts.

Big happy sigh.


4 reverberations:

Tyly said...

Thank you for sharing your super secret info!!! :-) I found it on eBay, and you are right -- WAY cheaper! I can't wait to give it a try!!!! :-)

Tyly said...

I forgot to mention... thank you for pointing out that CONSISTENCY is very important! I think that's a big part of my problem. I'm very sporadic with my face routine. Somedays I do this, some days I try that... and I PICK at it every day, which I know I need to stop!!! Thanks again!!!!

Tyly said...

So I have a question for you..

I bought the toner you suggested, and it really does make my face feel squeaky clean! I did notice that after I use the toner, the cotton pad is pretty dirty! And I use it after I wash my face. Is that normal, or does my face wash suck?

Tyly said...

I am definitely starting to believe in the power of the toner! I'm loving it! A few more questions for you (SORRY!):

When you apply the toner on the trouble spots, do you always moisturize right after? I have used it am and pm, and I always moisturize after. Do you moisturize when you use it mid-day?

My nose is oily all day long! Any suggestions for that?

I feel like I should be paying you...
