it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Freakin' hairstylists!

I hate them!!  I try to give them chances, but i is so frustrating to spend $50 and come home looking worse than when you went!  She was sweet.  She gave me a fine haircut, but I just asked her to even out my bangs and trim the back even.  I guess it escapes my notice yesterday that she went on a little layering spree- leaving me with a much different haircut than I had/wanted!

I went in looking like thirties bob:

and came home looking like Carol Brady:


1 reverberations:

Nicole said...

Again, right there with ya. I think I finally found a good one though. I'll have to try her out a couple more times before I'll trust her to chop all my hair off when I decide to go short.