it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Helpful suggestions.

Comment on previous post,
"I came across your blog and I think you might need to look into getting so professional help. You seem a bit all over the place, have you ever been tested for bi-polor disease?"
Thank you Anonymous for your deep concern, it is truly touching when people care for other people.  It is too bad that you are 'Anonymous', as I would love to extend my gratitude for your concern personally.  

Be that as it may, I am a happy, well-adjusted woman who loves her life.  Maybe you need to look inside yourself and address your own problems before doling out unsolicited advice to perfectly contented strangers.  

As for myself, I will continue to only take advice from people who can spell simple words like 'polar'. 



2 reverberations:

Tyly said...

You have GOT to be kidding me...

backflip photography said...

REALLY?!?! Who the heck would write something like that??