it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Test of character

That is what this, my last semester as an undergraduate, will be.  I am behind already, however I believe I can catch up this weekend and get back in the black.  As of now, in the red.  I scored a 20, yes that is out of 100, on my first Physics quiz.  That is sooo bad, but my book hadn't arrived yet, so I was unprepared.  This,obviously, cannot happen again.

Today, I start to play the catch up game, and hopefully by Sunday evening, things will be smooth sailing until November.  My to do list isn't really so bad, but it doesn't leave much time this semester for working out.  This means I am going to have to watch my diet very carefully!  So, there will be much less beer, wine and cocktails involved!  I really eat very healthy most of the time, so besides alcohol, I just need to watch portions and cheese.  Cheese being as big of a weakness as a nice drink.

What I have to do before May:
-write a 15 page thesis like paper summarizing 2 years of research (due early March)
-pass all my classes, really only worried about Physics
-not gain any weight in absence of daily exercise
-pick a graduate program

and most dauntingly,
-teach myself calculus and pass a calculus CLEP test to get a required math credit!!!


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