it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then


That is what I am these days, planktonic larvae just floating on the current.

It seemed for a while that I would have more graduate school options than I could shake a stick at, but funding keeps shutting me down, and I am sick of waiting for something concrete to pan out!  I have been working at getting into a graduate program where all is paid for since at least August, about nine months.  Basically, I am sick of the whole mess.

So, I have started to look for jobs.  I have found about five so far, spread throughout the southeast US.  My applications should be submitted by Friday.

Will I go to graduate school?  Will I get a job?  Will I stay here and waste a few more years?  Time will certainly tell.

All I can do is wait, drift with the current, and go where it takes me.  Exciting.  Scary.  Frustrating.  Relax, be plankton, go with the Universe- it will take us where we need to go.


Think plankton...

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