- My mom said I got my love of travel from her. Thanks mom, one of her best genetic gifts!
- Pops called me "highly adaptable". I agree and think this is perhaps from his genetic contribution. It also felt like praise and it makes me feel wonderful when I receive praise from a parent. Guess I am still a child eager for parental approval.
- I accepted the offer of an assistantship at the University of Southern Mississippi. So, unless something changes or goes wrong, and they might, I am moving to Ocean Springs, MS at the end of May. Kind of exciting, but I am still skeptical that this is a solid plan. I get my official offer the first week of May. When I get that, I will pop open the " I know where I am going to grad school champagne" my sister bought me for Christmas.
- Finals approaching. Have two Physics tests in next two weeks and am not thrilled. Must pass though, so I can never think about Physics again!!!!!!!
- Time to study Physics....
Now We Wait
10 years ago
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