it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Follow up from last night.

No one needs two appetizer platters from Trudy's; or probably anywhere.


Another good idea:
Trudy's chicken flaquities covered in queso with ranch dressing drizzled on top and just a dab of salsa plopped on top of that. So good!

But, I think I may have gained five pounds last night from Mexican martinis and appetizer platters! Nachos, queso, chicken flaquities and fried stuffed jalepenos. We killed the first one, but the second went almost completely to waste.

Oh well, you know what they say about hind sight.

Now- we are going couch hunting for Ms. Rachel (not me) at IKEA and to the outlet mall for retail therapy. Then I have lunch planned with all my former coworkers at a Japenese steakhouse! If I can work up an appetitie...

1 reverberations:

Rachel said...

HAHAHAHAHAH! ya that was kinda crazy. thats what we get for ordering the other one right after we get the first one!