it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

A hidden sadness-

I moved to Austin at the beginning of 1997.

In April of 1999, the boy I had dated since February of 1997 killed himself.

I really hate springtime.

Why? The odds we would still be together are little, but the pain of him being gone still haunts me.

His smile still haunts my dreams.

I wish I could have known more about life then, been more perceptive.

But, I wasn't and the pain and shock remains in my heart. Some nights, I wonder how I got this far. Some nights, the desire to go back and do more is all consuming.

I always wonder- why?

And the answer is always cold, dead silence.

2 reverberations:

cls said...

Wow. I had no idea. I am sure those regrets (?) are all too consuming at times.

But how perceptive is one expected to be in their teens?

It's just sad, is all. :(

~meredith~ said...

I'm so sorry, Rachel. You certainly can't blame yourself for not understanding it one truly does.