it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Celery magic

Attention world: all you need to add to soup/stew like concoctions to make it smell (and presumably taste) heavenly is celery.

I save the middle and tops of celery food cooking, but since I wasn't planning on preparing any beans or soups this week, I went ahead and added them to the dogs food.  As this pot of dog food began to simmer, the smell of delicious homemade soup heaven started to emerge.  It smells like I want to taste it, even though I know I don't.

So celery, the magic seasoning for soup.  Save your leaves for cooking!


2 reverberations:

Stefani said...

Celery is magic in soup, I agree. But cilantro has to top the list! Not everyone's favorite ingredient, some say it's too strong. But to those who've been deemed worthy to experience its wonder...

Rae said...

Mmm.. I love cilantro!

I heard there is a gene which makes people taste the loveliness of cilantro as something gross and maybe soapy? I am glad I avoided this genetic catastrophe!