it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then


- allows a person to not sleep, not eat, not socialize and still feel amazingly happy.

This is what is driving me through my life right now.  A passion for science, for conservation, for the ocean and for helping people understand the vastness of what nature offers us.

I have no idea where I will live in 9 months and that is so exciting I can barely take the suspense.

I believe that I could live forever sustained by this passion and never once feel the need for input of another.

I am happy, good at what I do and proud of my hardwork.

However, this does not prevent me from disliking the bug who snuck inside my house and is buzzing around.

Cheers and happy day to everyone!


"Pro" -crastinating

I have done everything to avoid studying for my Geology test tomorrow.

"Everything?" you ask.

Have you:

Watched The Office reruns?  

Looked up apartments in Maine?

Given yourself a haircut?

Practiced the moved to the Thriller dance following an instructional video series?
       -uhh.... yes, yes I have.

It's for my friend's wedding!

Hello Maine

First university to respond to my email queries about having an opening for me in Fall 2010.

Joint Masters of Marine Science and Marine Policy at the University of Maine.

Weee!  My first glimmer of interest by a potential advisor!


Fish Passion

What gets this peaceful Southern lady fired up?

Overfishing, the callous and indiscriminate removal of marine life from OUR collective oceans.

So fired up, in fact, that I am going to start a new blog devoted to the crisis our oceans are facing.

So fired up, my hands shake when I think of how bleak this vast ecosystems future looks.

So fired up, I am gonna do something about it!

No sitting idly by as 70% of our planet get plundered so people in Cleveland can eat mediocre spicy tuna rolls at an all you can eat Japanese restaurant.

I am a woman of action and my time to act is now.

Well, maybe not exactly now- because I gotta get into grad school, but this is my life's purpose and I shall not back down until all fish are safe and the jellyfish have lost the war.