it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

What drives me crazy

People who don't listen- especially when their disregard for your opinion is blatant.

People who are ruled by insecurities.

People who try to manipulate situations by switching their approach mid-conversation.

The good news is- these people don't have to be in our lives!


Things I love in life!

Just a few quick thoughts!

-making spicy, fried chicken on Sundays! With biscuits and mashed potatoes. Mmmm....

-New Orleans, for some reason anytime I am there my soul feels like, "Yes, this is our place!" I think I fit in here: spicy food (nobody afraid of garlic, cayenne or onions here!); music that shakes your booty and soul simultaneously; people who may seem crazy, but laugh deeper than those from other places; buildings that have stories to tell; and nobody thinks an afternoon cocktail is inappropriate! People here seem to share my ideals in living intensely, having tons of fun and working hard also!

-my dogs. Really, they have taught me how to put another's needs before my own and that there is something bigger than myself in life. They dictate many of my life decisions. I feel like the Universe brought them to me to lead me down the best path.

-the beach. Sigh. Breathe in, breathe out. When you find yourself in water that is over your head and you realize you are suddenly on a lower part of the food chain than on land ;) it is humbling, as being a part of the biggest thing on earth should be. Cleansing, relaxing, reviving. If I can't solve a problem by going to the beach, it has no solution.

-dancing. When someone with a strong lead can lead me around a room and twirl me, all other things cease to exist- but the music, the man and I.

Thoughts post 1st valentines day con no man

I spent the morning protesting a nasty coal plant and playing tennis with friends. Then I worked out at the gym, came home, poured a glass of sauvignon blanc and took the longest bubble bath in history while listening to Jack Johnson.

Romantic, no.

Relaxing and lovely, yes!

Good points- I wasn't disappointed by myself.

Bad points- a little lonely towards the sleeping part of the evening.

Se la vie.

Couldn't ask for much more than I have.

Life goes on, no?

I dunno why?

1. My uncle once- I don't really know my uncles. One is a vegan and one lives in Dallas.

2. Never in my life have I- sang karaoke, but I have been working on my courage, I think the time is upon us very soon!

3. When I was five I- lived in south Florida and loved the beach.

4. High school was- painfully awkward, why didn't anyone tell me you had to talk to people to make friends?

5. I will never forget to- brush my teeth. I am a dental hygiene freak! I have Listerine in my purse always!

6. Once I met- two abandoned puppies who changed my life!

7. There’s this boy I know who- has a smile that could turn your knees to jelly- I don't really, but I would like to know a boy like this!

8. Once, at a bar- I saw an old Chinese man play the hell out of a guitar with his tongue. Totally creepy, but freaking impressive!

9. By noon, I’m- usually in the gym these days or in class. On weekends, usually at the beach or in my yard.

10. Last night I- saw the Vagina Monologues for the first time. I laughed and cried. Then, spent the rest of the evening referring to my vagina as an entity. Ex: "My vagina wants a Guinness, y'all need anything?"

11. If only I had- known how to help suicidal boys named Sean.

12. Next time I go to church- it will probably be someone's wedding or a historic church in a foreign place.

13. What worries me most is that- my mother may never be happy and I can't fix her.

14. When I turn my head left- I see my lovely doggies and my closet overflowing with clothing.

15. When I turn my head right I see- the gorgeous red desk I recently painted and my gorgeous red I-pod with "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." engraved on the back.

16. You know I’m lying when I- claim I don't ever get lonely.

17. What I miss most about the Eighties is- nothing, but I wouldn't mind a do-over, so I could go back and try to actually enjoy my childhood. All in all, I am glad to be a free adult, some homes aren't happy.

18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I would- probably be Puck or Viola, depending on my mood. "If we the shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended that you have but slumbered here, while these visions did appear. And as I'm an honest Puck, if I have unearned luck, now to scape the serpent's tongue. We will make amends er long. Else the Puck a liar call? So goodnight unto you all Give me your hands if we be friends and Robin shall restore amends." (A glimpse of some of the useless information in my brain.)

19. By this time next year I will- be almost a college graduate and probably know where I am going to graduate school.

20. A better name for me would be- Lola, I feel like I would be a great Lola.

21. I have a hard time understanding people who- don't think caring for the planet is their responsibility, don't pursue happiness, or who care too much about money and power.

22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll- get a masters in geospatial systems and a doctoral degree in environmental engineering, probably.

23. You know I like you if I- make up a pet name for you or feed you a special dinner. I like most people though, I probably like you, unless you are an asshole. ;)

24. The first person I would thank if I won an award would be- Sean Eagan for teaching me how to be a better person, my family for tolerating me, my dogs for making me into a semi-responsible adult and my friends for all the smiles!

25. Take my advice- savor every day, every taste, every kiss, every breath, every note, every word, every embrace, every moment- experience your life as it happens. Love your planet and don't ever be too busy to fight for a healthy world! Don't hold onto anger, life is too short too be bitter and people will always get what they deserve in the end. Leap without looking! Do something that terrifies you as often as possible. Go to New Orleans and eat well, meet crazy locals and hear an old man sing the blues. And remember to brush your teeth- white smiles are purty!!!!!

I jinxed myself.

I didn't want to display publicly that I was seeing one person exclusively because I thought it seemed a little too soon.

However, in today's world you can only ignore a "relationship request" for so long before it gets awkward.

And so I gave in and now, I will probably have to change it back to single after about one week.

Is this a good use of technology? Publicized relationship failures for everyone?
