it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Road trippin towards the future

I've got 50 resumes to give to potential graduate advisors stapled together with a hand signed cover letter my wonderful lab manager said was excellent, printed on recycled paper, folded into thirds and put neatly inside of recycled envelopes

I have a poster displaying my research which I have slaved over for the last six weeks, or two years if you count the actual research part- which I promptly ripped the corner of after printing.

I have a rental car for 11 days and a hostel reserved for 8 nights.

I have a dog sitter.

I have a handle of vodka and a box of wine.

I have a list of presentations pertaining to fish, conservation or geospatial systems which I will be attending next week at the Ecological Society of America's national meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I have a great friend willing to drive to NM from south Texas with me in the spirit of the great American road trip.

I have dogs to kiss goodbye and a basil plant to drop off down the street.

I have friends to meet in ABQ: new, old and as of yet unknown.

Now, I just gotta get my clothes into one suitcase!

2 reverberations:

cls said...

Ooh, have a fabulous time!!!

Tyly said...

You are such a free spirit, and I love it!