it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

work... bleh.

I cannot believe I am awake.

I survived 14 hours in restaurant hell and I should be getting my well earned beauty sleep, but my mind won't shut off.

I am currently attempting a wine based solution to the problem; enhanced with melatonin. Hopefully, we will see results soon.

It is so bizarre to work so hard for money. Compared to what I used to do to make money- serving people food is a lot of freakin' work!!! I do enjoy it though. Honestly, I would rather be where I am now; and waiting tables than banking at a desk. The computer was sucking the life outta me- I swear. I feel much more alive these days.

I am so happy for the universe guiding me to where I belong.

Now if only I could sleep...

1 reverberations:

Anonymous said...

wine-based solution.... Pretty funny stuff.