it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

The Pudding Incident, part one.

I had an interview for an amazing scholarship on Thursday. It went... well horrifically bad. I felt like Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents~ it was as if my mouth and my brain were not connected- or even acquainted with each other!

The format of the interview made no sense to me: I was never given an opportunity to introduce myself or shake their hands, they never asked any "interview" questions. They just started telling me about the scholarship program- and it sounds so incredible, I am basically drooling. They are talking to me as though I have the scholarship; so I relax a little. This goes on for about 40 minutes. Then they say, "Tell us a little about yourself." So, I tell them a little- maybe two sentences- then they ask,"Oh, we had a question about your application essay; we are afraid you only want the money?"

I now have the most dumbfounded look possible on my face. I sputter... I have no idea what they are talking about. I ask for clarification; so they read me a paragraph which I thought was answering the prompt which was, "How would the scholarship affect me?"... well, I wrote the wrong answer apparently! I don't, at the time, understand what they are fishing for? I don't know what the answer is- so, I tell some completely unrelated story about wanting to do research- which I am pretty sure, scores no points.

Then they ask, "We see you used to work at Landry's. Why don't you anymore?"

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...... Seriously, why did I even put that crap hole on my application? I tried in vain to explain thirteen hour shifts on Saturday ending at 2 a.m. and having to work the next day at 9:30 a.m. - and then it was hard to study enough- without just calling the place a crap hole- well, my strategy did NOT work. They follow this question with, "Well, if you couldn't balance working there and school, how will you find time to do your research?"

More sputtering on my part. I think I was about as eloquent as, "Uhhhhhh.... I like.... uh, well, I think... no I know, no... ahhhh.... uhhhh... ummmm.... I just will. I don't think it will be a problem."

**Niiiiiice. Very well said**

Then they asked me to write out my schedule for next semester while they talked about Christmas trees over my head and then it was over. I literally stumble out, tripping over the chair and my briefcase. No handshakes again- just a "We'll let ya know."


I send what I hope it a well written email thanking them for the interview and attempt to do some damage control in the email, but for all I know it is in vain- I will know next week. I do not feel good about this scholarship- I want to be a part of this program so much- I can't even explain it in words... apparently.

*bigger sigh*

4 reverberations:

cls said...

Poor thing. Those interviewers sound like assholes. I hope everything still works out for you, despite the crummy interview. Here's hoping, friend!

Anonymous said...

What, exactly, does this have to do with pudding?

~meredith~ said... it just me? OF COURSE you want the money. What a ridiculous question on their part. It's not like you're going to play the stock market with it or donate it to NEED it. What turds. I hate awkward interviews, and I'm so sorry things went that way for you. I've been caught off guard during job interviews, and it just want to dig a hole and jump in.

Don't let it bum you out for too long, though. :) One day those a-holes (as Cass so bluntly put it, lol) will be ancient history, and you'll be interviewing their a-hole grandchildren for scholarships. ;)

cls said...

I'm all about the blunt. Ness.