it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Stupid Genetic Makeup!

I am bored.

I am broke and have taken money from my parents, so I feel guilty spending any on recreation. This rules out the beach most days because of gas costs. This rules out bars and dinners out.

So, I was reflecting on how nice it was living with the blond Rachel. You know, having someone around to chitchat with. Someone to say, "Hell yes, I wanna go to HEB with you!" or, "Margaritas at noon would be perfectly reasonable- after all, it is Tuesday!" or "Yeah ok, I guess we can start our new fitness quest tonight, at eleven pm, after four pitchers of margaritas; let's go play basketball- that is perfectly reasonable!" Mostly, I could use a person to say- "Ok, that's it girlie, lose the sweats, add lip gloss and deodorant- we are going out!"

I feel like I am becoming a hermit.

But, we won't get into that because that is neither here nor there-

The point is I was bored- so, I made a cocktail. Nothing crazy, just a cocktail... then I watched five hours of My Name is Earl that I downloaded.

Then, I started cleaning... for entertainment. I cleaned my whole apartment. I did the dishes, some laundry, tidied up the living room, wiped counters down with antibacterial spray and was cleaning my mirror in the bathroom when my reflection caught my eye- what was I doing? I feel I am a fairly interesting person and I know I am a good friend. I can safely say that people usually have fun around me. Yet, I am cleaning my apartment, which was not terribly dirty, for fun- in my spare time.

It occurred to me that a man would have done something entertaining or fulfilling- maybe gone fishing, or as Rachel imagined, they would have at the very least, conducted light saber practice with Captain Solo; and yet I as a woman, felt compelled to clean. What is wrong with me? I texted Rachel about this epiphany and she texted back, "LOL", her standard response to most things (she is a giggly one); but then she added, "I was about to start cleaning!"

Well I say, no more! I will no longer clean while men fish, play disc golf, shot gun beers and goose the gherkin; I will do these things and more! Well those that are physically possible, and I will start now, right now. The dogs and I are going fishing. Well, not really because I do not have bait, but we will walk down to the pier... or something. Well, we will go outside, at least, and that is a start.

One more euphemism just for fun-

pound the flounder...

and goodnight.


ok one more,
grooming the wookie...
performing the Jedi hand trick.
test firing the Death Star....
Yep, that's the one.

Oh, and those Raisenettes, all gone.

2 reverberations:

cls said...

LoL. How funny. I was actually going to do some house-cleaning myself tonight. Why? Because I'd rather clean than do homework. It's a sad existence.

Anonymous said...

I have never had that cleaning problem.

LMAO at 'pound the flounder'.

Blog score- 9.1/10