it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then

Dog food

I like to make the ladies homemade dog food whenever I can because I have read some truly horrible things about manufactured dog food.  This biggest problem for me in regards to commercial dog food is a lack of regulations and accountability as to the quality of ingredients.  I have read some disgusting stories.  You can read a breakdown of pet food labels and common ingredients herehere or here.  

It is really sad to read and makes you wonder, what exactly are you feeding you beloved companion?

To quit wondering, I started making my girls food some years ago.  It really isn't a big pain or expense.  They get excited when they smell food cooking, and they love their dinner!

I try to mix up what I feed them to get them a healthy mix of nutrients and there are tons of recipes available online.  I also buy food from companies with good a reputation and clean ingredients, such as Flint River Ranch.  The ladies love their Fish and Chips formula- sweet potatoes and trout, sign me up too!

I have a default, no brainer recipe that I use when I am busy.

Dog Food:
a big tube of ground beef (5 or 10 lbs)
3 - 5 big sweet potatoes
1 pound brown rice
olive oil

I fill the biggest pot I have a bit less than half-way with water and turn the burner to med-high.  I add about a quarter cup of olive oil, the brown rice and the tube of meat.  While it starts to boil I dice the sweet potatoes and add them as I finish them.  Stir and bring to a boil.  Once boiling, I turn the pot down, stir (it will stick to the bottom) and cover.  I simmer until the sweet potatoes and rice are soft, if they are not cooked well, your pup may experience slight digestive troubles.  Once everything is soft, I remove from the burner and add as much oatmeal as it needs to soak up the extra water- two cups or so.  Stir in.  Then, I just cover and let the hot food and oatmeal amalgamate together.  You may need to add more water throughout the process. depending on how hot it gets.  It should stay slightly soupy until the oatmeal is added.  It takes a while to cool, so I leave it on the stove for a few hours and then I store it in the fridge in large tupperware.

I feed the girls about a cup a meal (2x/day).  If you switch foods, I always find tapering the switch works best to avoid too much doggy tummy problems.

The food usually lasts a week to a week and a half.  I am trying to use less grains in their food and switch to more protein and vegetable, but protein can be a bit pricey.

One word of advice I have is, don't add broccoli.  That really made the girls tummies rumble!  It was a long week...

Happy tails!

1 reverberations:

Nicole said...

I think I'll do this for Thena's bday (Capone will get some too of course).